Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Creative Studies Week 2

"A Man Paints with his Brains, not with his Hands"
                                                                      Michelangelo Buonarroti; 1475-1564/ Lecturer Notes

Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.

                                                    Steve Jobs(American Entrepreneur Apple co-Founder, b. 1955

What exactly is innovation?
Innovation is introduction of something new or a new idea. Innovation does not happen haphazardly or sporadically within organizations. Innovation is accomplished consistently and systematically, given the true voice of the customer and a process for delivering solutions. Companies that innovate successfully do so using an efficient and repeatable methodology. Success is not dependent upon genius- it emerges from the disciplined application of a proven innovation methodology.

What is Invention then?
An invention is a new composition, device, or process. An invention may be derived from a pre-existing model or idea, or it could be independently conceived in which case it may be a radical breakthrough. In addition, there is cultural invention, which is an innovative set of useful social behaviors adopted by people and passed on to others. Inventions often extend the boundaries of human knowledge or experience. An invention that is novel and not obvious to to others skilled in the same field may be able to obtain the legal protection of a patent.

Innovation is different from invention but they are still in the same field. Inventor uses existing knowledge to create new idea, while innovation adds their own idea to a existing item/object/invention, they make improvement, turn the disadvantage of the existing thing to advantage. In business, innovation is the conversion of ideas to cash, on the other hand, invention is he conversion of cash to ideas. Example innovator A creates idea to make money, while Inventor B spend money to create invention. Get the whole image?

Bill Gates(Creator of Microsoft) is one of the most influential people in the world. He is co founder of one of the most recognized brands in the computer industry with nearly every desk top computer using at least one software program from Microsoft. Bill Gates also the richest man in the world and has held the number one position for many years.

Lets put Innovation and Invention aside, lets discuss about Novelty and Creativity.

Novelty (derived from Latin word novus for "new") is the quality of being new. Although it may be said to have an objective dimension (e.g. a new style of art coming into being, such as abstract art or impressionism) it essentially exists in the subjective perceptions of individuals. It also refers to something novel; that which is striking, original or unusual. The term can have pejorative sense and refer to a mere innovation.

Novelty is something new, original, unusual, unique, special, abstract. Our lecturer did told us about the BIG C and the small c. According to Mihaly Csikzentmihalyi's theory, creativity can be divided into big "C" and small "c". The big "C" have effect on others and is being accepted by the masses. Meanwhile, the small "c" serves personal satisfaction and fulfillment.

What about Creativity?
Did I mention creativity before? Let me recap, creativity is the ability to create something new/ invention, the ability to see something in a new way, thinking. Think outside the box search for original idea no one else may know exist only the creator of the original idea knew. Everyone born with creativity, its a give to us, as we grow older will soon gone as we gain knowledge. Everyone can be creative all you need is think creatively, some knowledge (not too much), and the most important one is attitude, without attitude you cannot be a creative people.

According to lecturer note there are four types of creativity. Creative people fall into these four categories:

  1. Aesthetic Organizers
  2. Boundary Pusher- those who take the existing idea and push it a little bit further.
  3. Inventor- thos who take existing knowledge and creates new ideas.
  4. The rarest group: Boundary Breaker- Example like Leonardo da Vinci, the Copernicuses, these people did not use existing knowledge nor existing idea of other people other than their own idea which no one ever think, hear, see, feel about it before.

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